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Gold Coast Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Gold Coast organiser on: 2019-11-06


Green Drinks (Gold Coast)  - 1st Wednesday of each month. (Nerang RSL)
Green Drinks is a group of forward thinkers with a passion for Conservation, Sustainability and the Environment. Green Drinks is in 60 countries with over 750 Chapters. We meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month, at Nerang RSL, 69 Nerang St, Nerang, Gold Coast @ 7:00pm. Always a great night with excellent conversation flowing. We work closely with Save Our Spit, GECKO and ACF. www.facebook.com/greendrinksgc - Please "Like" and Share.
Contact Mark Wren (anytime) on (07) 5537 8382 or 0416365859 mark@cherricomputers.com

We recommend joining the Nerang RSL (Pay for your Membership with savings on your first delicious meal)

$3.00 for 1 year or $10.00 for 5 years

Please RSVP : www.facebook.com/greendrinksgc     www.greendrinksgc.com

Proudly sponsored by Cherri International (Computer Solutions)   www.cherricomputers.com